Draft DCP Amendments & Draft VPA for 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest
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Consultation has concluded
Council has resolved to publicly exhibit a planning proposal, draft Development Control Plan (DCP) amendments and a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with respect to land at 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest.
The planning proposal seeks to enable the development of five new commercial buildings, ranging from 5 to 15 storeys in height at 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest through the following amendments to The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2019:
Increase the maximum floor space ratio applicable to the site from 1:1 to 2.36:1; and
Increase the maximum building height from RL 116m to 155.85m.
Draft amendments to The Hills Development Control Plan 2012 have been prepared in association with the planning proposal to guide built-form outcomes on the site. A new site-specific section of the DCP will establish development controls relating to site planning, landscaping, built-form design, car parking, public domain, solar access and a new road link.
A draft VPA is concurrently on exhibition, which would secure contributions at a value equating to 2.8% of the cost of future development on the land. This would comprise monetary contributions, construction of an upgrade of Columbia Way and construction of a new road link connecting Columbia Court and Spurway Drive. The VPA would also require the dedication of land to facilitate the new road links as public roads.
Council received a Gateway Determination for the planning proposal on 13 January 2023. Delegation for making the Local Environmental Plan has been issued to Council under the Gateway Determination.
Council has resolved to publicly exhibit a planning proposal, draft Development Control Plan (DCP) amendments and a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with respect to land at 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest.
The planning proposal seeks to enable the development of five new commercial buildings, ranging from 5 to 15 storeys in height at 7-15 Columbia Way, Norwest through the following amendments to The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2019:
Increase the maximum floor space ratio applicable to the site from 1:1 to 2.36:1; and
Increase the maximum building height from RL 116m to 155.85m.
Draft amendments to The Hills Development Control Plan 2012 have been prepared in association with the planning proposal to guide built-form outcomes on the site. A new site-specific section of the DCP will establish development controls relating to site planning, landscaping, built-form design, car parking, public domain, solar access and a new road link.
A draft VPA is concurrently on exhibition, which would secure contributions at a value equating to 2.8% of the cost of future development on the land. This would comprise monetary contributions, construction of an upgrade of Columbia Way and construction of a new road link connecting Columbia Court and Spurway Drive. The VPA would also require the dedication of land to facilitate the new road links as public roads.
Council received a Gateway Determination for the planning proposal on 13 January 2023. Delegation for making the Local Environmental Plan has been issued to Council under the Gateway Determination.