Proposed Development - Subdivision at 52-62 Fairway Drive
Consultation has concluded.

What we are doing:
We have received an application that is identified as:
- A nominated Integrated Development, and
- A Threatened Species Development.
The Hills Shire Council is the consent authority for this application.
What is the application for?
The proposal is for a staged subdivision (including vegetation removal, earthworks, roads and a bridge) creating:
- One Torrens title residential lot
- Seven community title residential lots
- One community association lot
The application is categorised as integrated development and requires a Controlled Activity Approval under the Water Management Act 2000. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment – Water is the approval body for this integrated development referral.
Where is this located?
The Property is located at 62 Fairway Drive, Norwest NSW 2153 (Lot 14 DP 1198944, Lot 11 DP 1285723, Lot 11 DP 1198944, Lot 15 DP 1198944, Lot 16 DP 1198944).
The Drainage Reserves are located off 52-62 Fairway Drive.
Application Details
The Development Application Number is 23/2025/ZD.
The Applicant is Ms A Renshaw.
Further details are available on Council's Online Development Application Tracking System including:
- A Statement of Environmental Effects
- A Biodiversity Development Assessment Report
- Plans
How You Can Give Feedback
You may make a written submission on this development application until 5pm on 29 August 2024.
View the application on Council's Online Development Application Tracking System using the application number above.
To provide comments on the Development Application use this online form. Where an objection is made, the submission must specify the grounds for the objection.
All enquiries can be directed to Adrienne Millers on 02 9843 0264.
This notice has been provided in accordance with Section 56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Section 3.1 of Part A ‘Introduction’ of The Hills Development Control Plan 2012.