Have Your Say on the Draft 2024-2025 Hills Shire Plan
Consultation has concluded.

Have Your Say on the Draft 2024-2025 Hills Shire Plan - a five-part document that provides the framework by which the organisation plans to progress the strategic objectives set out in Hills Future during the next financial year.
Council is committed to delivering our long term vision that is outlined in The Shire’s Community Strategic Plan: Hills Future.
Council's Delivery Program details the principal activities that Council will do to perform its functions and deliver on the community’s priorities outlined in the Community Strategic Plan. The Delivery Program provides an outline of how the full range of Council functions and operations will deliver the services expected by the community, as well as the many legislative responsibilities and regulatory functions that Council is required to implement.
Council’s Operational Plan is a one year extract from the four years of the Delivery Program. It identifies the activities, capital portfolios, actions and projects Council plans to deliver over the financial year.
Council’s Resourcing Strategy supports the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan by detailing how Council can help achieve the community’s goals in terms of time, money, assets, and people over the long term. The Resourcing Strategy is reviewed every 4 years. It incorporates long term financial planning, workforce management planning, and asset management planning.
The Fees and Charges document includes proposed fees and charges for the next financial year.
If you would like a copy of the Draft 2024-2025 Hills Shire Plan mailed to you, please contact The Submissions Officer on 9843 0555 or email HSPSubmissions@thehills.nsw.gov.au
Submissions: Residents are invited to provide a written submission using the online form below or via mail by 5pm on 8 May 2024.
Submissions via Mail: Please mail your submission to the Chief Financial Officer, The Hills Shire Council, PO Box 7064, Norwest NSW 2153