Draft VPAs - Bella Vista & Kellyville Station Precincts
Consultation has concluded.

Draft Voluntary Planning Agreements applying to land at Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts (FP215 & FP262)
At its meeting of 5 December 2023, Council resolved to publicly exhibit draft Voluntary Planning Agreements (Agreements) applicable to State Government-owned land within the Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts.
The draft Agreements have been submitted by Landcom, on behalf of Sydney Metro and Planning Ministerial Corporation, in association with two approved concept State Significant Development Applications (SSDAs) applicable to State Government-owned land within the Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts.
The approved SSDAs facilitate the creation of ‘superlot’ development sites that will accommodate a mix of residential and commercial buildings, open space and community facilities.
Council’s Contributions Plan No. 18 (CP18) currently applies to the land and identifies all infrastructure required to service both Government and non-Government land within the Bella Vista and Kellyville Station Precincts.
The draft Agreements secure the delivery of certain infrastructure items which are currently identified and funded under CP18, by Sydney Metro/Planning Ministerial Corporation and/or future developers. Additionally, the draft Agreements secure an additional $11.8 million monetary contribution towards the delivery of the future community facility adjoining Bella Vista Station.
Given the planned rollout of development in these Precincts over stages and the varying ownership of each superlot as it is created and sold by State Government, the draft structure comprises an overarching ‘Umbrella’ Agreement as well as 21 ‘Superlot’ Agreements.
Each ‘Superlot’ would then be subject to an individual Agreement, that would be triggered as each superlot is created, at which point the ‘Umbrella’ Agreement will no longer apply. This structure will distinguish the infrastructure obligations for each of the individual future landowners, as they relate to each superlot.
The total value of infrastructure contributions secured under the draft Agreements reflects the proportion of infrastructure demand generated by development of the Government-owned land.
The preparation of these Agreements is primarily administrative as they will facilitate the delivery of infrastructure which is already identified under CP18 and would otherwise be delivered progressively by Council as contribution funding is collected.
The draft Agreements and supporting material are now on public exhibition and available for inspection on this webpage.
Submissions: Residents are invited to provide a written submission using the online form below by 5pm on Thursday 13 June, 2024.