Grant Funding Request - Heritage Properties

The Hills Shire Council provides financial assistance through the Other Financial Grant Assistance program under Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1991.
Individuals, not-for-profit community organisations and commercial/private organisations can apply under this category for dollar-for-dollar match funding amounts in accordance with the requirements of Section 356.
Types of projects that may be funded are projects and programs for the community, heritage projects, events, declared natural disaster recovery activity, or charity fundraising – with matching dollar-for-dollar and meet the eligibility criteria.
Five applications for heritage assistance were presented to the panel for assessment.
Name of applicant:
PL & MM Gaudry - Speedwell
Repair and repaint exterior of stone cottage and garage doors of stone shed.
Amount Recommended $2500.00
Name of Applicant:
E & E Pellinkhof - Glenroy Cottage
Repair and restumping of original stumpings due to deterioration.
Amount Recommended: $6000.00
Name of Applicant:
N & J Janssen – Dobell Heritage Cottage
Repainting and repairs to cottage.
Amount Recommended $5000.00
Name of Applicant:
Mr K Stapley – Glenhope
Roof repairs to Glenhope
Amount Recommended $5000.00
Name of Applicant:
Dale & Chris Brown – Banks Cottage
Painting and roof restoration due to deterioration.
Amount Recommended: $1975.00
Enquires: Kristi Bertollo, Community Officer - Grants |