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Consultation has concluded.
What's this about?
The Office of Local Government (OLG) requires councils to review their Community Engagement Strategy within 3 months of the Local Government Elections.
Council has 2 key community engagement documents that were revised and put forward for Council exhibition and adoption at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 26 November 2024.
These 2 documents are:
Community Engagement Policy
Community Engagement Strategy
What is the Community Engagement Policy?
The Community Engagement Policy establishes the requirements and responsibilities of Council in Community Engagement.
What is the Community Engagement Strategy?
The Community Engagement Strategy guides how Council listens to and engages with the community.
What are the changes?
A minor addition has been added to the revised Community Engagement Strategy (page 5) and Community Engagement Policy (page 6) which details the requirements for community engagement by the OLG via the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
The exact wording added is:
"Council is required by the Office of Local Government (OLG) to create a strategy for how it will engage the community in creating and review its plans, policies and programs, including its Community Strategic Plan (CSP)."
You are invited to have your say on the revised documents via the submission form below.
What's this about?
The Office of Local Government (OLG) requires councils to review their Community Engagement Strategy within 3 months of the Local Government Elections.
Council has 2 key community engagement documents that were revised and put forward for Council exhibition and adoption at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 26 November 2024.
These 2 documents are:
Community Engagement Policy
Community Engagement Strategy
What is the Community Engagement Policy?
The Community Engagement Policy establishes the requirements and responsibilities of Council in Community Engagement.
What is the Community Engagement Strategy?
The Community Engagement Strategy guides how Council listens to and engages with the community.
What are the changes?
A minor addition has been added to the revised Community Engagement Strategy (page 5) and Community Engagement Policy (page 6) which details the requirements for community engagement by the OLG via the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
The exact wording added is:
"Council is required by the Office of Local Government (OLG) to create a strategy for how it will engage the community in creating and review its plans, policies and programs, including its Community Strategic Plan (CSP)."