Proposed Development - Installation of Signage
Consultation has concluded.

What we are doing:
We have received an application for:
- The installation of signage for Box Hill House and McCall Gardens
The Hills Shire Council is the consent authority for this application.
What is the application for?
The proposal is for the installation of signage for Box Hill House and McCall Gardens. This consists of four (4) pylon signs, thirteen (13) directional signs, nine (9) identification signs, and seven (7) free-standing signs.
This proposal is defined as Nominated Integrated Development under the provisions of Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 as the proposal requires approval in respect of the doing or carrying out of an act, matter or thing referred to in Clause 57 of the Heritage Act, 1977.
The Hills Shire Council is the determining authority for this application.
Where is this located?
The property is located at Lot 99 DP 1292085, Box Hill House and McCall Gardens, 10-32 Terry Road Box Hill.
Application Details
The Development Application Number is 472/2025/HC.
The Applicant is Ethos Urban (Sydney).
Further details are available on Council's Online Development Application Tracking System including:
- A Statement of Environmental Effects
- Plans
- Supporting documents
How You Can Give Feedback
You may make a written submission on this development application until 5pm on 1 November 2024.
View the application on Council's Online Development Application Tracking System using the application number above.
To provide comments on the Development Application use this online form. Where an objection is made, the submission must specify the grounds for the objection.
All enquiries can be directed to Rita Wehbe on 02 9843 0516.
This notice has been provided in accordance with Section 3.1 of Part A ‘Introduction’ of The Hills Development Control Plan 2012 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Notice is given that Council has received the following advertised development application for which Council is the consent authority.