Have Your Say on the Social Media Moderation Policy
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Consultation has concluded.
What is this about?
At the Meeting of Council on 12 November 2024, it was resolved to adopt the revised Social Media Moderation Policy and to have it placed on public exhibition for comment for 28 days.
The policy outlines how Council engages with the public on social media, detailing its moderation practices, and defining the rights and responsibilities associated with public participation on any of Council's social media channels.
What's been updated?
The policy has been updated with one additional inclusion, emphasising that Council operates within standard business hours and does not offer 24/7 engagement.
A further delegated function for authorised users has been added, allowing them to determine whether to keep comments open or closed on posts across all channels, dependent on operational concerns such as resourcing, off-topic comments or abusive commentary.
You are welcome to make a submission on the revised policy using the submission form below.
What is this about?
At the Meeting of Council on 12 November 2024, it was resolved to adopt the revised Social Media Moderation Policy and to have it placed on public exhibition for comment for 28 days.
The policy outlines how Council engages with the public on social media, detailing its moderation practices, and defining the rights and responsibilities associated with public participation on any of Council's social media channels.
What's been updated?
The policy has been updated with one additional inclusion, emphasising that Council operates within standard business hours and does not offer 24/7 engagement.
A further delegated function for authorised users has been added, allowing them to determine whether to keep comments open or closed on posts across all channels, dependent on operational concerns such as resourcing, off-topic comments or abusive commentary.